Accepting Manuscripts
No literary agent required
Submit Your Work
Thank you so much for considering Fontaine House Publishing!
We are eager to read manuscripts across all genres, with or without an agent. Whether you are just dipping your toes into the world of authors or have been swimming in books for a while now, Fontaine House Publishing is excited to hear from you. The review process can take up to three weeks, after which time you will be contacted with our decision.
What should be included in your book proposal?
Cover Letter
Here's what we expect:
Cover letter should not exceed 1,000 words
Contact Information: phone and email address
A note about yourself and your writing experience
A brief showcase of any preliminary successes with this manuscript so far (positive reviews, offers for an accredited introduction, awards, etc.)
Synopsis & Excerpt
Here's what we expect:
A brief synopsis (varying in length based on the nature of your manuscript) but not exceeding 500 words
An attached excerpt of appropriate length. For example, children's picture book authors might submit a complete manuscript, whereas longer books might consider sending an excerpt of just one chapter or approximately ten pages.